Friday, March 04, 2005

I missed a good game of one potato 2 potato while shooting this action shot Posted by Hello

mmm, where's my free food sucka Posted by Hello

say cheeze? Posted by Hello

Friday, February 25, 2005

Mardi Gras

Yo guys, Just thought I would share some of the random pics from Mardi Gras. Please feel free to comment.

say whaaaaaaa? Posted by Hello

Mardi Gras in Queens?

Posted by Hello

Smile Mrs. B Posted by Hello

lay down the groove MB Posted by Hello

musical chairs for real Posted by Hello

say cheeze. or boo?? Posted by Hello

looks like mardi gras...smells like mardi gras...must be mardi gras Posted by Hello

drumssssss Posted by Hello

freak!! Posted by Hello

blue skies singing a song Posted by Hello